Hospital No. 2, whichwas set up within the Quang Ninh Lung Hospital, is treating 25 COVID-19patients, of whom 10 have tested negative twice.
Between February14 and 17, the Vietnam-Sweden Hospital in Uong Bi city also confirmed therecovery of 12 COVID-19 patients who all tested negative three times and arenow under home quarantine for 14 days.
The test resultsfor six other patients at the hospital have been negative twice.
As of January28, Quang Ninh had recorded 60 COVID-19 cases, with two transferred to theNational Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Hanoi’s Dong Anh district.
The total ofCOVID-19 cases in Vietnam stood at 2,329 as of the morning of February 18,including 1,430 community infections, the National Steering Committee forCOVID-19 Prevention and Control reported.
Some 144,070people who had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients or enteredVietnam from pandemic-hit regions are under quarantine nationwide.
Since January27, when the pandemic broke out in northern localities, 737 new cases of communitytransmission have been detected./.