- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with visitingPresident of the Cambodian Senate Samdech Say Chhum in Hanoi on October 25.
PM Chinh congratulated Cambodia on the success of the recentelection of People’s Councils at the communal and ward levels with the greatvictory of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), as well as comprehensiveachievements that the country has gained, especially in the COVID-19 pandemicfight. Read full story
- Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hungon October 25 presented the draft revised the Law on Electronic Transactions tothe 15th National Assembly (NA) at its ongoing fourth session.
The draft, comprising of eight chapters and 58 articles, hasbeen drawn up in line with the nine policies specified in the governmentalResolution 152. Read full story
- Vietnamese Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor Leste Ta VanThong presented his credentials to José Ramos Horta, President ofTimor Leste, in the capital city of Dili on October24.
The President wished the ambassador a successful term,and Thong said it was an honour for him to be appointed. Read full story
- Vietnam should invest in the infrastructure system andhuman resources in order to enhance its role in the new global supply chain,Whitney Baird, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economicand Business Affairs at the US Department of State told Thanh Nien (YoungPeople) newspaper.
Baird, who visited Vietnam to attend the Organisation forEconomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Southeast Asia Ministerial Forum,said that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the customssector of Vietnam are working together to improve the efficiency and createfavourable conditions for trading activities. The development of theinfrastructure system will support this process, she held. Read full story
- The 17th General Assembly of the East Asia Inter-RegionalTourism Forum (EATOF 17) themed “Tourism recovery in East Asia in the newnormal era” officially kicked off in Ha Long city of the northern province ofQuang Ninh on October 25.
This is the second time the province has hosted the importantforum, which was cancelled two years ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read full story
- As many as 325 products by 172 enterprises have beenrecognised as Vietnam National Brands 2022, Deputy Minister of Industry andTrade Do Thang Hai told a press conference held in Hanoi on October 25.
Hai, who is also permanent Vice Chairman of the VietnamNational Brand Council, said a ceremony honouring national brands 2022 will belive broadcast on the national VTV1 channel on November 2. Read full story
- The Vietnam Innovation Challenge 2022 was launched onOctober 25, aiming to seek innovation solutions from around the world to helpthe country address major challenges and achieve prosperous and sustainabledevelopment.
The event seeks innovation and digital transformationsolutions to enhance the capacity of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Read full story
- The Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) on October 24 issuedan annual report reviewing efforts of 62 cities and provinces in handlingwildlife violations reported by the public in 2021, excluding Bac Lieu provincewhich registered no cases.
The report suggests a continued high responsiveness rate of97% for all publicly reported wildlife crimes on a national scale, similar tothe rate recorded in 2020 which was nearly 98%. However, there was a marginaldecrease in terms of the national success rate, especially with regard to thaton cases involving live animals./. Read full story