The event was held to announce the official launch of the strategyfor sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas from 2021 – 2030,with a vision to 2050.
With a long-term vision, the strategy does not only addressthe sector’s current issues but also keep up with global trends, for example,green consumption, Hoan remarked.
The strategy aims to provide foundation for the sector’srestructuring, he said, stressing agriculture must adopt new ways of thinking totransform the sector from production to economy andto improve products’ value and diversification.
The sector is going towards a green agriculture andeco-agriculture through the adoption of advanced technologies and efficient useof inputs and natural resources, without harming the environment and human health,the minister noted.
The strategy for sustainable development of agriculture andrural areas for 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050 was approved by Deputy PrimeMinister Le Van Thanh earlier this month.
The overall goal is to develop cash crop cultivation basedon local advantages; oriented towards high productivity, quality,effectiveness, sustainability, and competitiveness; firmly guaranteeing nationalfood security; and substantially helping with socio-economic stability, naturaldisaster and epidemic prevention and control, climate change response, andeffective implementation of international commitments on greenhouse gasemission reduction.
Among the detailed targets for 2030, agriculture - forestry- fisheries are expected to achieve GDP growth of 2.5 – 3 percent, an increaseof 5.5 – 6 percent in labour productivity, and exports rise of 5 – 6 percenteach year on average.
Besides, the strategy looks to raise rural residents’ incomeby 2.5 - 3 folds from 2020, bring down the multidimensional household povertyrate by 1 - 1.5 percent annually, reduce the percentage of agricultural workersto less than 20 percent of the total workers in society, and increase the rateof trained agricultural workers to over 70 percent.
It also targets at least 90 percent of the communesnationwide recognised as new-style rural areas, environmentally friendlyagriculture adapted to climate change, and greenhouse gas emissions down 10percent from 2020./.