Hanoi (VNA) – Political and security issueswere tabled in the first plenary session of the 26th Annual Meeting of theAsia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF-26) in Hanoi on January 19, wheredelegates from member states shared views and proposed measures and initiativesto foster a greater role of the APPF in these spheres.
Themeeting takes place at a time when the world is witnessing rapid, complex, andunpredictable changes, which can impact peace and stability in many regions,said Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Tong Thi Phong in heropening remarks.
Forthis reason, the first plenary session should focus discussions on the role ofparliamentary diplomacy in addressing challenges to peace, security andprosperity in the region and over the world, and on combating internationalterrorism and trans-boundary crime, said Phong, who is chair of the meeting.
Phongshared her concern over regional conflicts and tensions that continue to posemore pressing challenges to the effort to maintain peace and development foreach region.
Shealso mentioned the rising trend of useing destructive weapons, disputes overterritories, islands and resources, alongside terrorism and trans-boundarycrimes.
Inaddition, the Vietnamese legislator reiterated growing extreme nationalism,utilitarianism and protectionism and challenges brought by the fourthindustrial revolution.
“Theseissues require solutions at the national, regional and global level. They alsorequire a multi-tier cooperation approach, including our active participation,as parliamentarians, as policy makers, and as legislators of nations followinga quarter of a decade of development,” she stressed.
Phongcalled on the APPF parliaments to give active support to the historic nuclearweapon test ban, signed in September 2017, so it can soon be ratified.
“Weshould urge our Governments to promote more effective cooperation to respond toboth traditional and non-traditional challenges, particularly non-proliferationof weapons of mass destruction, combat terrorism, trans-boundary crime, ensurewater, food, and energy security, promote maritime safety and security, andcyber security,’ she added.
TheVice Chairwoman also urged the Asia-Pacific to take the lead in maintaining peaceand stability, promoting dialogues, cooperation, confidence building, andrespecting international law and common standards and norms.
“Parliamentarydiplomacy, particularly APPF activities, play an indispensable role inpromoting cooperation, building legislative frameworks, deciding on andmonitoring the implementation of Governments’ international commitments,’ Phongstressed.
The first session discussed the promotion of parliamentarydiplomacy for peace, security and prosperity in the region and the world, alongwith the fight against international terrorism and trans-border crime.
Delegates stressed the importance of equality for commondevelopment, and mutual support to address security issues and to implement theParis agreement on climate change.
They pointed to risks posed by increasing trade protectionismand called on support and cooperation among the APPF members for tradeliberalisation. Parliamentary diplomacy to end human rights violation and thesettlement of the Korean Peninsula were also among the deliberated topics.
Lasting until January 21, the APPF-26 features four plenarysessions on the topics of politics-security, economics-trade, regionalcooperation in Asia-Pacific, and the future of APPF.
Founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1993, the APPF now gathers 27members, namely Australia, Cambodia, Canada, China, Chile, Colombia, CostaRica, Ecuador, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands,Mexico, Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, thePhilippines, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the US andVietnam.
It is a mechanism that enables parliamentarians to discussissues of common concern, and to deepen their understanding of the region andthe interests and experience of its diverse members. The forum’s proceedingsaddress political, security, economic, social and cultural issues, thusfurthering regional cooperation and building relations between and among parliamentariansfrom the Asia-Pacific region.-VNA