HCM City (VNS/VNA) - The southern coastal province of Ba Ria-Vung Tauis improving connections between its Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port complex andsurrounding provinces to strengthen its marine economy, and promotingenvironmentally friendly projects to develop its tourism sector.
Experts have urged the province to turn the Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port into an internationaltransshipment port and develop its industrial parks and clusters. Thedeep-water port is capable of receiving large container vessels withinternational transhipments of up to 20,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT), carrying18,000 TEU capacity.
Nguyen Van Trinh, former chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, saidthe Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port complex is one of only 19 in the world capable ofhandling 190,000 DWT vessels.
The province aims to increase the capacity of its seaports, improveinternational shipment services, and achieve throughput capacity of more than100 million. By 2020, the province is expected to have 18 port operators and219 logistics companies.
However, most experts said the transportation system connecting deep-waterports with major economic centres in the region remains weak. To improve thelocal marine economy, connectivity between the Cai Mep-Thi Vai Port complex andsurrounding provinces should be improved, they said.
Trinh Hang, director of the provincial Department of Tourism, said in recentyears the province was also speeding up eco-tourism projects and focusing onattracting investors.
However, only a few big investors have shown interest, although more investorshave explored the area recently.
To tap the potential of sea tourism, the province has built a 10-km coastalroute which goes through fishing villages and connects Vung Tau City with Long Dien,Dat Do and Xuyen Moc districts and Binh Thuan province.
The local authority also wants to develop Con Dao Island into a high-qualitynational tourist site, Hang said.
The province targets 8.6 million visitors by 2025, an annual average growthrate of 11 to 13 percent, and an increase in the number of high-standard hotelrooms to 16,000. It also aims to create about 38,000 jobs by that time.
Hang said that beaches and entertainment centres in Vung Tau city wereundergoing cleaning and improvement to attract more visitors.
The province has invested in five tourism areas with varying functions, such assports, entertainment, culture, trade and eco-tourism, he said.
The tourism department is proposing new incentive policies for tourisminvestment, completion of a tourism master plan, and improved tourismpromotion.
In recent years, local authorities have focused on major, high-end tourismprojects and encouraged businesses to tap potential markets. Many tourismcomplexes have gained prestige such as the Ho Tram Strip and Six Senses Con Daoresort.
The province also has high hopes for the Paradise Vung Tau complex underconstruction.
Experts and local authorities, however, are concerned about deforestation andpollution because of a boom in industrial zones along rivers, which isaffecting environmentally friendly tourism projects.
Coastal aquatic-product processing plants discharge untreated wastewater intothe environment daily, seriously threatening the mangrove ecosystem andadjacent land areas.
Water pollution in the areas has resulted in rapid saline intrusion, coastalerosion and environmental degradation.
Provincial authorities have been urged by experts to prohibit all types ofexploitation in mangrove forests, and encourage local households to take partin reforestation programmes.
Ba Ria-Vung Tau, home to a 305km-long coastline, is one of the leading tourismhubs in Vietnam. With a cool and dry temperature year round, it is an idealplace for sea sports tourism and deluxe seaside resorts.
Vung Tau city, lying on a peninsula of the same name, is the tourist andcommercial centre of the province.
A number of beautiful beaches, such as Ho Coc, Bai Sau and Dam Trau (in Con DaoIslands), have become magnets for local and international visitors. Theprovince is also famous for many cultural and historic relics.
Last year, the province, one of Vietnam’s leaders in FDI attraction, approved44 new FDI projects and additional investment for 14 foreign direct investmentprojects, totalling 1.9 billion USD of registered investment.
In addition, the province approved 59 new domestic projects worth 18.76trillion VND (806.7 million USD) in registered investment, according to theDepartment of Planning and Investment.
It is also focusing on attracting more investment in logistics, tourism,supporting industries, hi-tech agriculture and urban development.-VNS/VNA