The Ministry of Commerce said the Cambodian side will exert effortsin internal consultations to seek appropriate solutions to the issue so as toresume normal bilateral trading activities, for the sake of the two countries’people.
It also reiterated the commitment to complying with andsupporting the spirit of trade liberalisation within the framework of themultilateral trading system and the ASEAN Economic Community.
On January 8, the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries released an announcement about the suspension of the importof certain catfish species from some countries bordering Cambodia, includingVietnam.
Facing this, Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade TranTuan Anh on January 19 sent a letter toCambodian Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak, saying that the import banshows signs of running counter to the trade liberalisation spirit of the WorldTrade Organisation (WTO) and the ASEAN Economic Community, of which both are members.
According to the Vietnameseministry, in recent years, Vietnam has exported about 60 million USD worth of aquaticproducts to Cambodia annually. Cambodia is not a major market of Vietnamese aquatic products, but its stable import demand has contributed significantly tocross-border trade development, as well as job creation and income generationfor local residents./.