The visit aims to affirm the special relationsbetween the two countries and boost their cooperation in various areas,including economics, trade and investment, while exchanging issues ofcommon concerns.
Vietnam and Cambodia set up diplomatic ties onJune 24, 1967, marking a milestone in the two countries’ fraternal andneighbouring relationship.
Last year, the two sides organised abroad range of activities to celebrate the 45th founding anniversary ofthe bilateral diplomatic ties.
Presently, both sides are joininghands to celebrate the 35th anniversary of victory over the Pol Potgenocidal regime in Cambodia, which saw great contribution of Vietnameseexperts and volunteers.
The Vietnam-Cambodia relations have been expanded to many areas, contributing to the two countries’ common development.
High-rankingvisits by the two nations’ leaders take place regularly. During thevisit to Cambodia in March 2005 by Party General Secretary of theCommunist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, the two sides issued ajoint statement to lift their ties under the motto “goodneighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, longlasting sustainability”.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dungheaded a high-ranking Vietnamese to attend the funeral of King’s FartherNorodom Sihanouk in February.
Meanwhile, President of theCambodia National Assembly Heng Samrin led a delegation to attendGeneral Vo Nguyen Giap’s funeral in October.
In recent years,trade ties between the two countries have developed unceasingly. Two-waytrade in 2012 reached 3.3 billion USD and 2.94 billion USD in the first10 months of this year.
By this June, Vietnam invested in 126projects worth 3 billion USD in Cambodia, focusing on industrial cropsplanting, mining, oil exploration and business, power resourcesdevelopment, telecommunications, finance and banking.
The twocountries have also seen development in scientific, educational, healthand tourism cooperation. Vietnam has granted many scholarships forCambodian students and post graduates as well as sent doctors to providemedical check-ups for people living in border areas.
Vietnamand Cambodia have worked closely to exchange information to deal withborder-related arising issues, strengthen training cooperation, maintainjoint patrol at sea, search and rescue activities and repatriateremains of the fallen Vietnamese volunteer soldiers.
Borderdemarcation and marking have been conducted on the basis of theirspecial friendship, the leadership of the two countries’ leaders and thecooperation of related agencies.
To date, as many as 239/314mark positions have been identified, 279/372 marks have been built and850/1137 km of the border line have been demarcated.
At regionaland international forums, the two countries have cooperated andsupported each other as well as within the framework of theCambodia-Laos-Vietnam partnership, the Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-Vietnam,the Great Mekong Sub-region (GMS), the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-MekongEconomic Cooperation Strategy (ACMEC), the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations (ASEAN), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the UN.-VNA