Morethan 300 leading internet experts, both locally and internationally, are expectedto participate in a plenary session and three workshops during the four-day event.
TheVNNIC Internet Conference will be a forum for the participants to address internet-relatedproblems and how to exploit values and resources to build a better future forthe community.
Itwill also be a platform for discussions among regulators in IT; providers of internet,mobile, cloud, and content services; members of the Vietnam National Internet Exchange(VNIX) and Vietnam IP addresses; regional internet associations andorganisations; and leaders of major internet and IT corporations likeCloudflare, NTT and Inforblox.
Theevent will touch on various topics, from IPv6-based 5G/6G technologies, the Internetof Things (IoT), and cloud computing and blockchain; IPv6 conversion atgovernment offices and development of local IT infrastructure; expansion ofregional and international internet access to make Vietnam a regionalconnectivity hub.
Therewill also be presentations on new technologies and services in security andsafety of critical infrastructure, routing security, and 5G and cloud; as wellas training for university students./.