The Metro Line No 2 will connect Ben Thanh Market in District 1 and Tham Luong Depotin District 12.
Bui Xuan Cuong, head of the HCM City Urban Railway Management Board (MAUR),said that construction of the metro line No 2 would start at the end of theyear.
Nearly 99 percent of site clearance has been completed in districts 10 and TanBinh. Site clearance for the line has reached 78.61 percent, with 474 out of603 affected households already vacating their lands, according to the MAUR.
More than 250,000sq.m of land is needed for the line. As many as 121 householdshave to move to make way for the line.
The design of the metro system networks, lines and stations has been selectedand will be submitted for authorised assessment.
The MAUR will invite bids for contractors and begin relocation of technicalinfrastructure (such as telecom, electricity and water infrastructure anddrains) from now to the end of the year.
Metro Line 2, which runs across districts 1, 3, 10, 12, Tan Binh and Tan Phu,has a total length of 11.3 km, including a 2km elevated section and 9.3kmunderground section, and 11 stations, including 10 underground and oneelevated.
The line will cost 47.89 trillion VND (2 billion USD), sourced from OfficialDevelopment Assistance (ODA) funds and reciprocal capital from the city.
The line is scheduled to be completed in 2026. It will connect with the MetroNo.1 line.
About 86 percent of the work on Metro No.1 has been completed. It is the firstof six metro lines planned by the city. It was expected to begin commercialoperation by the end of 2021 but has been postponed until next year due to theimpact of the COVID-19 outbreak./.