COVID-19: Hanoi extends social distancing until August 23

Hanoi will extend the ongoing COVID-19 social distancing order until 6am on August 23.
COVID-19: Hanoi extends social distancing until August 23 ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Hanoi will extend the ongoingCOVID-19 social distancing order until 6am on August 23.

According to Dispatch No.18, signed by Chairman of themunicipal People’s Committee Chu Ngọc Anh, after 14 days of stringent restrictionsin line with the Government’s Directive 16 that began at 6am on July 24 and setto expire at 6am on August 7, the city has attained “certain results”.

However, the outbreak in the city as well as acrossthe country remains “unpredictable and complicated,” with many infections foundin the community without clear sources and numerous cases displaying nosymptoms, Anh said.

The capital city has logged 1,800 cases in the fourthwave of infections starting in late April, half of which were found during the social distancing period with about 60-70 cases new cases registered each day.

During a press briefing held the same day, a healthofficial said the health sector will take advantage of the social distancing period to‘filter’ out all hidden COVID-19 cases in the community.

Under the social distancing order, non-essentialbusinesses continue to remain closed, people are not allowed to go outsideexcept for essential purposes like buying food or medical emergencies. Publictransport also remains halted.

The dispatch noted that many members of the public, organisations and companies have not strictly abided by the social distancing rulesand that crowding still occurred from time to time in markets and on thestreets. The presence of the highly-transmissible Delta variant threatens toshatter the city’s COVID-19 prevention and control efforts, he said.

The city leader asked for absolute compliance with the social distancing order, separating household from household and individualfrom individual.

Companies, businesses and agencies in the city shouldcontinue to arrange for their employees to work from home and only go to workin truly necessary cases such as members of the armed forces or people handlingconfidential documents and all under the monitoring of the company and/or localauthorities.

The city mayor noted that the success of the COVID-19fight, other than the “robust involvement” of the administration, is predicatedon the self-discipline and compliance and support of the people and society inobeying social distancing rules.

For green zones (COVID-19 free areas), residentsshould remain proactive and not complacent in preventing the disease, but standready to respond to any emerging incidents.

For orange zones – high-risk areas like factories,workplaces, markets, hospitals or other medical facilities – each unit musthave a prevention and control plan ready and local authorities will inspect andonly permit them to operate once the units satisfy the COVID-19 safetycriteria.

For red zones or blockaded/quarantined areas, localauthorities can decide to impose stronger measures to make sure no spread ofthe virus will occur inside these zones and to contain the outbreak as soon aspossible.

The city leader also asked for stock to be taken ofthe city’s testing capacity, as well as for the mobilisation of all capableunits to help expand testing capacity.

Health agencies and local authorities have been taskedwith taking the initiative in conducting rapid antigen testing based on theirassessment of outbreaks and clusters, to act fast and flexibly to avoid missingvirus carriers, and start to offer guidance for the public to take samples bythemselves under the supervision of healthcare workers.

The health authorities have also been asked to preparefor maximum capacity scenarios – with regards to the treatment of COVID-19patients, especially ensuring enough oxygen, ventilators and beds.

Health care centres have been told to classifyasymptomatic and symptomatic patients and sort them into the appropriatetreatment units.

Suitable apartment buildings, educationalinstitutions, and construction projects could be requisitioned and repurposedto act as treatment facilities for asymptomatic patients (30,000 beds and up to50,000 beds if necessary).

Anh also asked for quicker vaccinations but in a safemanner, providing sufficient instructions for people before their vaccineappointments.

Local authorities and relevant sectors must have plansand arrangements in place to avoid disruptions to the supply of goods to the city,market instability, shortages or hoarding and ensure the safe circulation andsupply of food and essentials for all people, especially in locked down areas,guaranteeing that no one is left wanting./.

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