Hanoi (VNA) - The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) has sethigher standards for schools to ensure they meet the requirements of COVID-19prevention.
Theset of criteria was made after consulting with United National InternationalChildren’s Fund (UNICEF) and experts from the Ministry of Health.
Accordingly,students will return to schools only when they fulfil more thanseven criteria, including preparing necessary facilities, namelythermometers to check temperatures, soap or sanitiser.
Underthe set of criteria which was issued by the MoET this week, schools must setplans that are relevant to their condition and location.
Schoolsshould organise training or dissemination on preventive measures and arerequired to strictly follow them.
Beforeclass, both students and teachers will have their temperature checked and haveto wear face masks and keep a safe distance from each other in class.
Classes,learning equipment and vehicles should be cleaned as recommended by the healthsector.
Theschools must co-operate with local authorities and students’ families to ensuresafe distance when students were taken to school and picked up later.
Theschools will be recognised as meeting the standard when itfulfils 8-11 criteria and they will be ranked goodwhen meeting more than 11 criteria.
Thosethat only meet seven criteria or lower will be considered as unsafeand won’t be permitted to reopen.
TheMoET asked the departments of education and training to evaluate the safety ofschools before resuming classes.
Asmany as 61 provinces and cities across the country have announced plans toreopen schools by the end of this month or next month.
Morethan 22 millions students around the country have had a long break since earlyFebruary due to COVID-19. The students will finish the 2019-2020 academic yearby July 15, a month and a half later than normally./.