The plan, which wasofficially announced on April 5, will build Da Nang as a centre ofsports, education, science and technology for the central and CentralHighlands region.
Da Nang also plays a strategic role in defenceand security for the south central area, the Central Highlands and theentire country, boosting the socio-economic development for the region.
"Theadjusted urban plan will play a key role for strategic and sustainabledevelopment of the city and the central and the Central Highlandsregions," said Chairman of the city's People's Committee, Van Huu Chien.
"It's also a legal base and a driving force to call for more investment in the city and the central region," Chien noted.
Asplanned, the city will include six inner districts and two suburbandistricts of Hoa Vang and Hoang Sa, with an expected population of 2.3million.
The city will be built on 128,543ha, of which Hoang Sa (Paracel) islands are on 30,500ha.
Thecity, which was recognised as a First Class city in 2003, will develop a130ha centre for finance, banking, trade and services in the downtown,and a 3,700ha coastal service area.
Under the adjusted plan, thecity will develop public transport with 15 bus routes, eight Bus RapidTransit (BRT) routes and three metro routes, which aim to reduce carbonemissions, as well as address overcrowding and traffic congestion.
Themain route of the city's Bus Rapid Transit system will help connect SonTra peninsula to the city's centre, Hoi An ancient town, My SonSanctuary and the Ba Na Hills resort, along with industrial parks,university areas and tourist attractions.
Also, Da Nang Airportwill be expanded to host 15 million passengers in 2030, while Tien Saport will be upgraded to handle 5.5 million tonnes of cargo and 300,000tourists per year, as well as new construction at Lien Chieu port.
The plan also includes upgrading national highway No 1 and No 14G, as well as construction of new ring roads.
Further,the city will build a 100ha solid clean technology waste processingplant at Khanh Son dump to treat 2,000 tonnes of waste per day.
The plan also includes the development of industrial parks on over 1,100ha and a 397ha centralised Information Technology park.
Lastyear, the World Bank agreed to finance the Da Nang City SustainableDevelopment Project with 272.1 million USD, of which 202.4 million USDwill be funded by the World Bank.
The American firm Rocky Lai& Associates Inc began construction of a 341-ha Da Nang IT Park asthe largest ‘Silicon Valley' in the central region of Vietnam, with atotal investment of 278 million USD.
The city plays an importantrole as a logistical centre for the coastal central region and theEast-West Economic Corridor, which links Laos, Thailand, Myanmar andVietnam.-VNA