Washington D.C. (VNA) – Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue had a meeting with US Secretaryof Commerce Wilbur Ross and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on June 26 aspart of his ongoing visit to the US.
During the meeting,Deputy PM Hue stressed that the economic, trade and investment cooperation isthe focus and a driving force of the Vietnam-US relationship, affirming thatVietnam wishes to promote free trade while actively implementing agreementsbetween the two countries and settling existing problems.
He urged the US todeal with matters of Vietnam’s concern such as the recognition of Vietnam’smarket economy, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy lawsuits against Vietnameseproducts such as shrimp, washing machines, solar panels and woven sacks, aswell as the exemption of tariff on Vietnam’s steel and aluminum products.
The US officials saidthat US President Donald Trump appreciated Deputy PM Hue’s visit and the US recognizedthat Vietnam had understood the US’s concern and taken specific measures tobolster trade ties between the two countries.
They held that thereis big potential and good prospect for collaboration between the two countries,expressing hope that the Government of Vietnam will continue creatingfavourable and fair conditions for US enterprises in accessing the Vietnamesemarket.
They also pledged to pushfor discussions of Deputy PM Hue’s proposals in relevant agencies of the US.
The same day, at ameeting with Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, a former US Trade Representative whosigned the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement in 2000, Deputy PM Hue laudedimportant contributions that Barshefsky has made to the progress of bilateralties.
He briefed the host onthe Vietnam-US relations recently, saying that his visit aims to realiseagreements reached by leaders of the two countries over the past years.
He proposed thatBarshefsky will continue supporting cooperation for development between the twocountries, especially in economy, trade and investment, thus strengthening theVietnam-US comprehensive partnership.
For her part, Barshefskyshowed her delight at the development of the Vietnam-US partnership, especiallyin economy, trade and investment. She said that Vietnam is one of the importantpartners of the US in Southeast Asia, adding that she believes that the USGovernment hopes to further develop the friendly cooperation with Vietnam.
She also hailedVietnam’s efforts to collaborate with the new administration of the US,focusing on dialogues on issues of shared concern, thus facilitating the partnershipbetween business communities of the two countries.
Earlier on June 25,the Vietnamese Deputy PM attended a round-table held by the US Chamber ofCommerce gathering nearly 50 leading US firms.
Addressing the event,Deputy PM Hue welcomed US enterprises to invest in Vietnam, affirming that theVietnamese Government has improved its business and investment environment tocreate favourable and fair conditions for all foreign investors, includingthose from the US.
He lauded USbusinesses’ operation in Vietnam which has helped create jobs and promote highquality “made-in-Vietnam” products.
He called for more US investmentin Vietnam, especially in areas of high-technology, energy, infrastructure,smart city, education and training, finance-banking, health care, service, innovativestartup, and in the equitisation of State-owned enterprises.
At the event, MyronBrilliant, Executive Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce and DaviaManaging Director and Global Head of External Affairs of Carlyle Group thankedthe Government of Vietnam for supporting US businesses in operating in Vietnam.They also committed to continue engaging in social activities in Vietnam.
Also on June 25,Deputy PM Hue also delivered a speech at a conference on investment potentialand opportunities in Vietnam held by FLC Group with the participation ofhundreds of Vietnamese and US enterprises, investment funds, financialorganisations and financial management companies.
He congratulated theFLC Group on its signing of a contract to buy 20 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners worth5.6 billion USD.-VNA