Suoi Re communal house was designed by Hoang Thuc Hao and built fromthe materials found on the site such as rammed earth and bamboo.
Located in Cu Yen Commune, in the northern province of Hoa Binh ,the house has been in use since December last year. It comprises ateaching area, library and meeting areas.
“It has become a familiar place for local inhabitants to send their children, hold meetings and play sports,” Hao said.
“For me, the best reward is the welcome of local inhabitants. The workis innovative and I hope that it becomes a model that is picked up inthe midland,” he added.
In November this year, thecommunal house entered the shortlist at the World Architecture FestivalBarcelona in Spain . On that occasion, Thao was invited to give alecture on the communal house in the city.
The BarbaraCappochin Prize, which drew the participation of 383 designs this year,aims to heighten awareness and quality of projects and construction. Theprize is open to architects worldwide and multidisciplinary teams ledby architects.
Hao said that through various organisedtours, many children from Hanoi visit the communal house and learnthe basic notions of green living, the way to construct a house bymaterials found on site and to save energy.
“We should get a habit of living greenly, consuming greenly,” Hao said.
He is now working with his colleagues to build a 300 million VND(15,000 USD) communal house for the Red Dao ethnic group in Ta Phinvillage in Sapa, where they can gather together for meetings and alsodisplay their handicraft products./.