Vegetarian pho is a traditional and nutritious dish made from ingredients such as mushrooms, greens, and roots. When visiting the capital Hanoi, fans of vegetarian food can indulge themselves in a unique way with a bowl of vegetarian pho.
Ingredients include pho noodles, onions, oyster mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
The pho noodles, onions, and mushrooms are prepared and cooked. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
The oyster mushrooms are finely sliced and fried. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
The shiitake mushrooms are shredded and fried. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
When it comes to street food, Vietnam delivers big on flavour. The following are five Vietnamese street eats most favoured by readers of international food magazine TasteAtlas.
Thinking of Hanoi cuisine, people will definitely think of “pho”. And when it comes to “pho”, many people will immediately think of the “Pho Thin” brand. However, many people are still confused between two long-standing brands of Pho Thin in Hanoi, which are "Pho Thin Bo Ho” (by Sword Lake)" and "Pho Thin Lo Duc” (on Lo Duc Street.
As many as 65 master chefs and culinary experts from across the country will join the Pho Festival 2024, which will take place in the northern province of Nam Dinh from March 15 - 17.
The 2024 Pho Festival, themed "Journey of Vietnamese Pho", kicked off in the northern province of Nam Dinh on March 15, drawing a crowd of eager locals, domestic and foreign visitors.