EU bans fishing imports from Cambodi

The Council of European Union has decided to list Belize, Cambodia and Guinea as acting insufficiently against “illegal fishing”, which means any fishing imports from these countries are now banned, according to a recent statement released by the European Commission.
The Council of European Union has decided to list Belize, Cambodia and Guinea as acting insufficiently against “illegal fishing”, which means any fishing imports from these countries are now banned, according to a recent statement released by the European Commission.

The decision is historic and demonstrates that the EU is leading by example in the fight against illegal fishing, said European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki.

She said she hopes the blacklisting will act as a catalyst for the aforesaid countries to step up their efforts and work with the international community to eliminate illegal fishing.

EU vessels will stop fishing in these waters as well as end any forms of cooperation such as joint fishing operations or fisheries agreements.-VNA

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