Exploring special “cultural stairs” in Nghia Tan ward

Although the model of “cultural staircase” is small, it has a great meaning when it has contributed to building and improving the cultural life of people not only in Nghia Tan ward but also for those who are looking for a cozy living corner between the cold concrete four-sided apartment blocks.

When coming to the A3 apartment block (group 27, Nghia Tan ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi), many people were surprised when it was as if they were entering a miniature "library" with all kinds of books and newspapers neatly arranged.

In two glass cabinets next to each other is a collection of hundreds of books of all kinds, from children's story books, books on popular treatment knowledge to memoirs, historical novels or literary works. classic. This is the place where the origin and formation of the "cultural staircase" model existing for a long time.

This cultural staircase model is formed from the ideas of veterans and retired officials living here.At first, many people disagreed because they were afraid that no one would manage and there is not enough funding to maintain operation, but thanks to the persistence of elderly coming to every house to persuade, people have seen it differently.Instead of protesting, each person contributed a few books and newspapers, so over time, a "cohesive library" corner has been formed like today.

This is not only a place for members of the apartment block to access information about books, newspapers, and daily bulletin boards, but also a meeting placehelping newcomers and people living here for long time understand each other better. Besides, this place is also a regular stop for young people and children after school. Conversations and questions in a warm space make the gap between generations shorter.

Although the model of “cultural staircase” is small, it has a great meaning when it has contributed to building and improving the cultural life of people not only in Nghia Tan ward but also for those who are looking for a cozy living corner between the cold concrete four-sided apartment blocks./.