At the presentation ceremony in Hanoi, Presidentof the VFF Central Committee Do Van Chien thanked leaders of the CentralMilitary Commission, the MoD, and the entire armed forces, especially militarypersonnel, for actively and effectively engaging in the COVID-19 fight.
Noting the complex developments of the pandemic,he said the VFF Central Committee’s Standing Board proposes the Party CentralCommittee’s Secretariat continue calling for donations to help frontlineforces, including healthcare and military units.
The aid will also be spent on assisting poor anddisadvantaged people as well as those in quarantine sites suffering from incomecuts, he added.
Chien expressed a hope that the Central MilitaryCommission and the MoD will keep encouraging officers and soldiers in the armyto promote their role as one of the pioneering forces in the COVID-19 fight,helping the country weather the pandemic.
Appreciating the support for frontline forces,including the army, Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. HoangXuan Chien pledged that the financial aid will be used for the right purposeand in the most effective manner.
The military is maintaining about 1,900checkpoints along more than 5,000km of land border and 3,260km of sea border.More than 13,000 military and police personnel are working around the clock tocontrol illegal border crossings and prevent the transmission of the coronavirus.
The military is running 175 quarantine facilities,which have accommodated nearly 230,000 people in quarantine so far, the deputyminister said, adding that it is ready to expand quarantine facilities at therequest of the Government and the National Steering Committee for COVID-19Prevention and Control.
As of noon on May 24, Vietnam had recorded 5,308cases of COVID-19, with 3,823 cases of community transmission. These include2,721 recoveries and 43 fatalities. The number of domestic infections sinceApril 27, when the latest outbreak began, stands at 2,253, according to theMinistry of Health./.