Dam, who is also head of the committee, ordered continuingto keep a close watch on pandemic clusters in the two provinces, saying BacGiang needs to closely control workers at industrial parks to prevent thepandemic from spreading to other localities.
Testing methods should be renewed, not only in BacNinh and Bac Giang, but also other provinces, using information-technology in samplecollection, testing and result release, he said.
The Deputy PM asked the Ministry of Health to soonissue guidelines to help enterprises purchase quick test kits and conduct screentesting for their employees when necessary.
It was reported at the meeting that as of 12:00 on May21, Vietnam counted 4,833 COVID-19 cases, including 1,785 infections recorded in30 cities and province since April 27 when the new wave of the pandemic startedin the country.
Bac Giang province alone detected 668 cases, mostly inVan Trung and Quang Chau industrial parks. Meanwhile, its neighbouring provinceof Bac Ninh reported 317 cases, manly in Thuan Thanh district.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang An said a number of associations, enterprises and localities have proposed hisministry remove obstacles to production, business and goods circulation.
At the meeting, the Ministry of Public Security asked foreign-investedfirms to set forth plans to closely manage foreign experts, saying they shouldstay in dormitories in factories, not commute between factories and residences.
The committee also suggested Bac Ninh and Bac Giangpilot home quarantine, and urged the health ministry to coordinate withlocalities to review COVID-19 treatment in the new situation./.