Hanoi (VNA) - The Inspection Commission of the PartyCentral Committee has proposed taking disciplinary measures against Bui Ngoc Bao,a former leader of the Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) forviolations by the Standing Board of the group’s Party Committee.
The decision was made at the commission’s 40th session last week and announcedon October 31.
Bao, former member ofthe Standing Board of the Party Committee of the Central Business Bloc, formerSecretary of the Petrolimex Party Committee, former Chairman of the PetrolimexBoard of Directors and former Petrolimex Director General, bears the mainresponsibility for violations and wrongdoings at the Standing Board of thePetrolimex Party Committee.
The commission concludedthat the Standing Board showed a lack of responsibility and slackened itsleadership, supervision and inspection, letting the group violate the Party’sregulations and the State’s laws on personnel work, capital and assetmanagement and use, and petroleum business activities.
At the 40th session, the commission also proposed disciplinary measures againstthe Standing Board of the group’s Party Committee for the 2010-15 tenure.
Disciplinary measureswere taken against other Petrolimex officials for violations. Thecommission decided to strip Nguyen Quang Tuan, former member of the group’s PartyCommittee and former Chairman and Director of Petrolimex Singapore, of all hisParty posts.
The commission alsoissued a warning against Tran Van Thinh, who was the former Vice Secretary ofthe Party Committee and former General Director of Petrolimex, and reprimandedTran Minh Hai, Standing Vice Secretary of the group’s Party Committee, and NguyenThanh Son, Deputy General Director of Petrolimex.
At the session, the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission askedinspection commissions of the northern provinces of Hung Yen and Nam Dinh toinvestigate land management and use in public investment projects andin purchase of public assets.
Relating to the inspection results of the implementation of disciplinarymeasures against some officials of the northern province of Hoa Binh and the CentralHighlands province of Kon Tum, the commission decided to reconsider thedisciplinary measures as they failed to match the levels of their violations./.