The two awardees are Senior Lieutenant Generals LovyrevEvgeny Nikolaevich and Fetisov Andrey Aleksandrovich who have made active andeffective contributions to strengthening the friendship and comprehensivecooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and the FederalSecurity Service of Russia.
Speaking at the event, Lam said the Vietnamese publicsecurity forces highly value the support provided by the Federal SecurityService of Russia during the country’s revolutionary cause, affirming that thebilateral ties will be deepened to bring practical benefits to the two peoples.
The Vietnamese public security forces will exert the mostefforts to nurture traditional friendship between Vietnam and Russia, he said.
Senior Lieutenant General Lovyrev Evgeny Nikolaevich laudedeffective coordination between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security and theFederal Security Service in ensuring national security in each country.
He also vowed to make further contributions todeveloping bilateral ties in the future.-VNA