Hanoi (VNA) – DevelopmentCounsellor of the German Embassy in Vietnam Martin Hoppe has applauded Vietnamas an active member of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)Partnership, a coalition of countries and institutions working to achieve the ambitiousclimate goals under the Paris Agreement.
Martin Hoppe made the statement in aninterview granted with Vietnam News Agency on the ocassion of a workshop tokick off the review and update of Vietnam’s NDCs in Hanoi on June 28.
He cited Vietnam’s membership in theNDC Partnership Steering Committee and hosting of the NDC Partnership SupportUnit as evidence of the country’s committment.
Vietnam plans to review and updateits NDCs to submit to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in2019, he said, adding that this is a requirement of the Paris Agreement, set inDecision No. 1/CP21 of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (COP21).
Praising the country’s efforts, Hoppesaid since Vietnam submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions(INDC) to the UNFCCC in September 2015, the country has adopted severalpolicies such as the amended National Power Development Plan VII (PDP 7 rev)and the renewable energy strategy whose potential is even bigger than thepotential set in the NDCs.
The Development Consellor said that realisingobjectives in the renewable energy strategy to cut 25 percent of emissionsproduced by the energy sector by 2030 will help Vietnam reach conditional NDCtargets.
This will bring about greatopportunities for Vietnam to increase its mitigation commitments in the updatedNDCs and its contributions to global efforts against climate change, he said.
He expressed his belief that themitigation potential in Vietnam also holds economic significance.
The updated NDCs will provideinformation for dialogues in 2018 and global calculations within the UNFCCC in2023, the said.
Hoppe highlighted the important roleplayed by ministries and agencies in the review and update process, noting thatNDC measures should be integrated into national and sectoral plans and statebudget estimates.
Germany is proud to be one of twodevelopment partners assisting Vietnam in updating its NDCs up to 2019, hesaid.-VNA