Hanoi (VNA) - TheGoethe Institute Hanoi has launched a contest inviting all Vietnamese people toengage with their dialogue on Karl Marx, marking celebrations for his200th birthday.
Karl Marx was born in 1818 inTrier, which then belonged to Prussia. The Goethe Institute Hanoi will markthis anniversary by exploring the life, work, and most importantly, the impactof this multi-faceted thinker.
The contest will include short essays or fictional stories of about 500 wordsin length. Art works such as plays, poems, comic strips and picture stories orcartoons and artistic or documentary short films of no more than 90 seconds inlength are also accepted.
“We want to call on all people, not only scientists and researchers, but alsoothers from fields such as art to join the contest,” said Goethe Institute’sdirector Wilfried Eckstein at a press conference held on May 10.
People can write in Vietnamese and English and send their work via emailto Vietnam-marx200@goethe.de before four deadlines on May 15; June 4;July 2 and August 20. After each deadlines a jury will select the items topublish on the website.
By May 15, the organisation asks especially for design suggestions for at-shirt celebrating the Marx 200 event. From the proposals, the organisationwill choose the best to be used in the course of the Marx 200 campaign.
All texts will be presented to the jury in an anonymous format in order toprotect the contestant’s identity. A public discussion and exhibition of theartistic submissions will take place on the weekend of September 21-22. Fourtopics on the dialogue will be Marx and Religion; Marx and Mass Consumerism;Marx and Globalisation and Marx and the Liberation of the Human Being.
The project will examine the enduring significance of the German philosopher,politician, and economist in modern Vietnamese society and politics. It issupported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, University of Social Sciences andHumanities, Hanoi National University (USSH Hanoi) and Justus-Liebig UniversityGiessen.-VNA