Hang made the confirmation on June 24 in reply to reporters’query about the information stating that Vietnam has proposed countries andterritories to inoculate Vietnamese nationals there.
The Government has directed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs toask Vietnamese diplomatic representative agencies abroad to regularly keep in touch with,promptly encourage and visit overseas Vietnamese and take citizen protection measureswhen necessary.
According to the spokeswoman, Vietnamese representative agencies abroad havealso discussed with local authorities and proposed them take necessary measuresto ensure the health, medical care, vaccination, and legitimate rights andinterests of Vietnamese citizens, including Vietnamese guest workers.
Responding to a question about the information stating that manyVietnamese people have been implicated or tricked into legal or illegal travelling toCambodia to work illegally, Hang said that the Vietnameserepresentative agencies in Cambodia have received relevant information andrequests for help from Vietnamese citizens who were induced and illegally workedhere.
The Vietnamese agencies immediately worked with local authoritiesto verify the information and take measures to protect citizens, and toinvestigate and clarify the related cases to handle in accordance with law, she said.
In order to prevent the arrangement for Vietnamese citizens to illegally go and work abroad, over the past times,Vietnam has actively promoted dissemination on methods and tricks of criminals aswell as risks when migrating through unofficial channels to raise people’sawareness about illegal migration, and entry and exit regulations during thefight against COVID-19.
Citizens can contact Vietnamese representative agencies inthe host countries or the citizen protection hotline of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry’sConsular Department if they want to provide information about illegal migrationcrime, Hang said./.