Tran Phu Cuong, deputyhead of the Department for International Cooperation of the NationalTourism Administration, made the remarks at a Mekong forum to promotetourism in the GMS in Hanoi on December 19.
Theevent, co-hosted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and theAssociation of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia Economic Cooperation andDevelopment, is part of efforts to facilitate win-win economiccooperation among Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, andChina’s Yunnan and Guangxi provinces.
Cuong said tomaintain a growth rate in the smokeless industry, the GMS nationsshould be aware of the importance of benefits brought by the sector.
They should work together to turn the region into a unique tourismdestination where attractions are shaped by rich natural resources, anuntouched tourism environment and cultural diversity, he said.
In 2012, nearly 44 million people visited the region, according to the official.
Participants assessed tourism partnerships in the region and theGreater Mekong Sub-region and presented opportunities for tourisminvestment in the GMS countries.
They also touchedupon solutions to boost connectivity and partnerships for travelcompanies while suggesting the GMS countries’ Governments developcomplete policies to step up tourism development cooperation in theregion.-VNA