Hai Phong (VNA) – The northern city of Hai Phonghonoured four students who won prizes at the 59th InternationalMathematics Olympiad in Rumania and the 2018 Intel International Science andTechnology Fair (Intel ISEF) during a ceremony on July 16.
All of them are students at Tran Phu Gifted High School.
Trinh Van Hoan, a 12th grader, grabbed a silver medal and Tran Viet Hoan, at the same grade, claimed bronze at the InternationalMathematics Olympiad. Meanwhile, high school students Le Tuyet Quynh Anh andPham Thi Minh Hue earned the Third Award for their biochemistry project – “NovelBacteriophage Lysin: A Solution for Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus aureusInfection in Vietnam” at the Intel ISEF.
During the ceremony, the city presented awards andgifts worth a total of more than 1.8 billion VND (77,400 USD) to the winningstudents and their teachers at Tran Phu Gifted High School. Hoan was rewarded400 million VND (17,200 USD) while the other three each received 300 millionVND (12,900 USD).
Last week, the northern port city adopted aresolution on incentives for the discovery and training of gifted students and toreward excellent teachers who educate students for national and internationalacademic competitions. The budget for the rewards is estimated at about 27billion VND (1.16 million USD) annually.
The rewarded students and teachers were the first inthe city to benefit from the resolution.
Speaking at the event, Secretary of the city’sParty Committee Le Van Thanh congratulated the students and teachers on theirachievements which honours their school and families and brings pride to thecity.
He said the city’s leaders identified improving educationas a top priority and the city has been heavily investing in upgradingeducational facilities and enhancing the capacity of local teachers.
The secretary urged the entire city, includingstate agencies and private sector, to work together to motivate and aid thedevelopment of talented people.
The 59th International Mathematics Olympiadtook place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania from July 3 – 14, attracting contestantsfrom 116 countries. All six Vietnamese students taking part in the competitionbrought home medals, including one gold by 12th grader Nguyen QuangBin from Gifted High School of the Hanoi University of Natural Science at theNational University of Vietnam. This year, Vietnam ranked 20th inthe medal tally.
The Intel ISEF is the world’s large pre-collegescience contest which aims to promote the development of sciencethrough education.
Besides Anh and Hue from Hai Phong, Le Ha Khoa andNguyen Phuong Nam from Nguyen Hue High School for Gifted Students in Hanoireceived a Certificate of Honourable Mention for their study on concentrationof urine neurotransmitters of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic system and therelationship to behavioural disorders in patients with online game addiction.
This year, it was held in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, the US from May 13 – 19, gathering nearly 1,800 students from 79countries and territories with more than 1,400 projects. The Vietnamesedelegation brought eight projects to the competition and was one of 43countries and territories to win prizes. –VNA