The 3D animated film, “Arthur and the Two Worlds War” by French director Luc Bensson will open Vietnam’s first international film festival in Hanoi on October 17.
The festival will screen 67 films from 23 countries and territories.
Host Vietnam will enter Trung Uy (Lieutenant), by director Ha Son and Long Thanh Cam Gia Ca (A Song about a Musician in Thang Long Citadel) by director Dao Ba Son, along with films from Japan , China , Singapore , the Philippines , Indonesia , Malaysia and Hong Kong to compete for the prize of best feature film.
Vietnam sees the festival as an excellent opportunity to develop cultural exchanges and boost cooperation between regional and international film makers./.
The festival will screen 67 films from 23 countries and territories.
Host Vietnam will enter Trung Uy (Lieutenant), by director Ha Son and Long Thanh Cam Gia Ca (A Song about a Musician in Thang Long Citadel) by director Dao Ba Son, along with films from Japan , China , Singapore , the Philippines , Indonesia , Malaysia and Hong Kong to compete for the prize of best feature film.
Vietnam sees the festival as an excellent opportunity to develop cultural exchanges and boost cooperation between regional and international film makers./.