HCM City (VNS/VNA) - HCMCity has announced that it will temporarily suspend the granting of new workpermits to foreign workers arriving from COVID-19-affected countries andterritories.
Le Minh Tan, director of thecity's Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, said the move aims tosupport the city’s epidemic prevention and control efforts.
Foreigners applying for workpermits must strictly undergo medical checks according to regulations andfollow quarantine requirements given by the local authority if returning to thecity from pandemic-hit areas, he said.
Those who apply to renewtheir work permits must have valid passports showing they have not leftthe city since February 1, and have health certificates issued as ofFebruary 11.
The department has asked theDepartment of Foreign Affairs to inform diplomatic representative agencies,consular offices and representative missions of international organisations,businesses and foreign workers in the city that they must strictly comply withthe regulations.
Authorities in localitieshave been asked to continue reviewing and controlling the number of foreignworkers.
More than 4,600 foreignworkers at 2,030 businesses in the city have been granted work permits./.