Singapore (VNA) – Hong Kong authorities will return nine armoured Terrexvehicles to Singapore, after seizing them due to license-related issues.
In astatement issued on January 24, Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs saidthat the Hong Kong administration has completed investigations and will returnthe vehicles to Singapore along with other equipment.
The statement also noted thatHong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying replied to a letter from Singaporean PrimeMinister Lee Hsien Loong about the issue.
The Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed it as apositive outcome and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong replied to Chief ExecutiveLeung Chun-ying to thank him for Hong Kong's cooperation in resolving the issue.
In November 2016, Hong Kongcustoms officers seized the troop carriers and related equipment as they werebeing shipped to Singapore from Taiwan after military exercises.-VNA