The financing package will allow T&J Green EnergyCompany Limited - a joint venture between Thuan Thanh Environment JSC, a BacNinh-based recycling company, and JFE Engineering Corporation, a leadingJapanese company in the construction and operation of waste treatmentfacilities - to develop a modern waste-to-energy plant in Thuan Thanh district.
The plant is expected to begin operations in 2024 and willincinerate 500 tonnes of daily and industrial solid waste every day. It aims toincrease the province’s waste treatment capacity and reduce negative impact onthe environment while protecting locals’ health.
Waste incineration at the plant is expected to generate91,872-megawatt-hours of clean energy a year, preventing about 600,000 tonnesof greenhouse-gas emissions over 15 years. The power generated will be sold toVietnam Electricity Corporation under a 20-year feed-in-tariff power purchasescheme.
With about 1.4 million people and 16 industrial parks, BacNinh generates over 1,000 tonnes of solid waste every day./.