International music conference to convene in Vietnam

$0The International Council of Traditional Music (ITCM) will hold a conference in Vietnam from July 19-30 with the participation of 30 countries from around the world. $0

$0The International Council of Traditional Music (ITCM) will hold a conference in Vietnam from July 19-30 with the participation of 30 countries from around the world. $0 $0 At a press briefing on July 9, the Conservatoire of Music said the conference will discuss two major topics that are the music with ethnic minority groups and applied folk musicology. $0 $0 The agenda will also include the role of music in maintaining the ethnic minority community as well as the preservation of performing arts and the role of performing arts in dialogues, support and education. $0 $0 ICTM is a non-government organisation and an official advising body of the UNESCO. The ICTM conference is held every two years and this is the first time Vietnam has hosted this event. $0 $0 Vietnam will present 13 reports at the conference./.$0

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