Theevent was meant to implement the action plan for the ASEAN-UN Joint Declarationon Comprehensive Partnership for 2016-2020 and build capacity via legal andtechnical training on the Law of the Sea, particularly the 1982 UNCLOS.
Speakingat the event, Vice Ambassador of Germany to Indonesia Hendrik Barkeling expressedGermany’s stance on abiding by the 1982 UNCLOS, adding that Germany and theEuropean Union have worked closely with the ASEAN member states to maintainpeace and maritime freedom in the East Sea.
Heexpressed his hope that countries concerned would peacefully settle disputes inline with international law.
Hikaricofrom the Japanese Delegation to ASEAN reiterated Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’sstatement in 2014 that the settlement of disputes in the East Sea should complywith the 1982 UNCLOS. Countries involved should clearly determine their baselinesin line with international law, refrain from the use of force, and join negotiationsto settle disputes, as well as seek long-term solutions to maintain peace andstability in the East Sea.
During the three-day event, delegates will hearreports and discuss the UNCLOS, its relation to the implementation of the UNAgenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, rights and obligations to maritimesecurity and safety, marine environment and maritime biodiversity, disputesettlement, and more.-VNA