Tokyo (VNA) - Japan will assist apparel maker MatsuokaCorp. in producing protective clothing in Vietnam to diversifysupply chains and lessen its dependence on China amid the coronaviruscrisis.
Matsuokaplans to invest 3 billion JPY (28 million USD) in An Nam MatsuokaGarment Co., its Vietnamese manufacturing unit, to start production ofprotective wear and other items in several months, local media has reported.
Matsuokais one of 30 Japanese firms which were recently named recipients of officialsubsidies from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry topromote Japan's drive to diversify supply chains and reduce itsdependence on China.
The JapanExternal Trade Organization, which announced the list of subsidy recipientslast week, said 15 of the 30 firms are connected with projectsin Vietnam and six in Thailand.
Matsuoka,of Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, established its Vietnamese unit lastNovember before the coronavirus outbreak as part of an ongoing campaign toproduce apparel products mainly in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh./.