Hanoi (VNA) – Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Hoang Trung Hai onDecember 19 visited Archbishop of the Hanoi Archdiocese Cardinal Nguyen VanNhon to extend his Christmas and New Year greetings.
Onbehalf of the city’s leaders, Hai wished Catholic dignitaries and followersnationwide a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Hebriefed the capital’s socio-economic development in 2017 and development plansfor 2018, noting the significant contributions of the archdiocese to the city’seducation, health and environmental sectors.
Theofficial hoped the archdiocese’s dignitaries and local Catholics would continuetheir tradition of strengthening national solidarity and developing thecapital.
ArchbishopNguyen Van Nhon extended his thanks to the city’s leaders and said that eachlocal Catholic has a duty to lead a good religious life, support other peopleand contribute to Hanoi.
Earlierthe same day, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Council Nguyen Ngoc Tuan metwith Bishop John Vu Tat of Hung Hoa Diocese in Le Loi ward, Son Tay town. Theofficial acknowledged the contributions of the diocese, wishing its membersgood health and a merry Christmas.
Alsoon December 19, Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’sCommission for Mass Mobilisation Truong Thi Mai visited the headquarters of theThai Binh Archdiocese, which groups about 133,000 followers in the northernprovinces of Thai Binh and Hung Yen.
Duringthe visit, Bishop Nguyen Van De expressed his wish that ties between the ThaiBinh Archdiocese and local authorities would grow robustly.
Meanwhile,Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’sCouncil of Quang Ninh province Nguyen Van Doc met with priests ahead ofChristmas.
Hesent his best wishes to Catholics in the northern province and expressed his hopethat they would continue to promote their traditions while contributing toprovincial development.
Ameeting between representatives of Gia Lai People’s Committee and the CentralHighland province’s Protestant churches – Thanh Tam Church and Kon TumArchdiocese – was also held on the day.
Accordingto Protestant pastor Huynh Duy Linh, religious believers and Christians inparticular strongly believe in the guidance of the State and Party, thereforethey will further participate in patriotic campaigns and promote nationalunity.
TheVietnam Fatherland Front Committee in the Mekong Delta province of Vinh Longalso held a meeting to congratulate Christian dignitaries and to wish them amerry Christmas.
Speakingat the event, the province’s Party Secretary Truong Van Sau acknowledged thecontributions of the local Christian community to its development. He alsoexpressed his wish that they would continue to promote patriotism.-VNA