Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) Nguyen ThiHong presented the Government’s proposal, saying the amendment is necessary asit will help Vietnam fulfill its obligations in international treaties andcommitments, while demonstrating the country as a responsible member in thefight against money laundering, terrorist financing, and the financing ofproliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the region and the world.
The draft law comprises four chapters and 65 articles.
According to the report assessing the drat law presentedby Chairman of the NA’s Committee for Economic Affairs Vu Hong Thanh, thecommittee agreed on the need to amend the law to fully institutionaliseguidelines of the Party and the State, deliver on commitments under international treaties and agreements, and ensure security and safety ofnational finance and currency amidst complex developments of the worldsituation and the rapid development of science and technology.
The amendment also contributes to intensifying theeffectiveness of the fight against corruption and other negative phenomena, thereport says.
Earlier, the NA discussed the Government’sreport on the implementation of the Statebudget in 2022, the state budget estimate and central budget allocation planfor 2023, and the 2023-2025 financial plan./.