DiHuong (Strange Fragrance) focuses on different human issues, especiallymodern society. While Dem Thanh Vo Cung (The Holy Night) is about theloneliness of a man who lives happily with his wife and children, ChaToi (My Father) is about an old veteran, who can't adapt with thematerial lives of his other family members.
Dem Mua Ha Tuyet Roi(Snowing on a Summer Night) is a love story in which the characters facethe fading value of love in a fast-tempo world.
The storiespresent Minh's new writing style, which is "a well combined balance ofreality, romance and myth", according to the author. Sex is alsomentioned in some of the stories in a fine, sophisticated way. "Like achef who needs a special spice to create a unique flavour for his dish,sex is used to support the stories' structure, in harmony with the restof the plot," he said.
Strange Fragrance, published in 2009, won the hearts of the judges who included nine well-known Vietnamese writers.
TheLiterature Prize was also awarded for a children's short-storycollection, Chiec Ve Vao Cong Thien Duong Xanh (Ticket to the BlueHeaven) by Que Huong, and Nguyen Bich Lan's version of SlumdogBillionaire topped the translation category.
The winners will receive their prizes at an awards ceremony scheduled for later in the month in Hanoi./.