Speaking at the signing ceremony of the deal in the central province of Nghe An on January 15, Trung D. Hoang, a partner at VinaCapital Ventures,commented: “We are excited to invest in GoStream, which has been leading theway in integrating livestreaming across a number of sectors. Their innovativestreaming technology is helping more businesses reach more viewers andcustomers, and we look forward to working with them as they further expandtheir capabilities and play an even greater role in Vietnam’s growing digitalisation.”
Founded in 2017, GoStream is an easy-to-use platformfor any type of user, even for those with little or no technical knowledge. It enablesusers to reach large audiences from different platforms to increase visibilityand get more views. Currently, the company is serving multiple corporate clientsand facilitating over 100,000 livestreaming sessions daily.

Marketwise, social networks are recognised as one ofthe most common channels for online shopping in Vietnam, second only to e-commercesites. According to PwC Social Surveys, Vietnam ranked seventh in the world inthe number of Facebook users with 68 million, or 68.7 percent of the country’s entirepopulation. In 2020, Vietnam’s digital economy reached 14 billion USD and isexpected to grow into 52 billion USD in 2025, according to a recent report byGoogle, Bain & Company, and Temasek.
Last November, GoStudio - a product of GoStreamTechnology Joint Stock Company – won the first prize at VIETNAM TECHFEST 2020.The contest’s organising board recognised the product’s ease-of-use andadaptability to a range of online channels, including social commerce (livestreamcommerce), online training (e-learning), and online entertainment (livegameshows). This becomes especially important in the context that the COVID-19pandemic is sweeping the world. GoStudio does not require software downloadingor installation, and it is stable and compatible with popular web browsers,enabling more users to apply livestreaming across various sectors.
Launched in 2018, VinaCapital Ventures is a 100 million USDtechnology investment platform investing in the next generation of promising Vietnameseand Southeast Asian start-ups. Its mission is to help develop strong technologycompanies in Vietnam and assist them in building a regional presence. Insupporting entrepreneurs, VinaCapital Ventures offers capital, network andmentorship. Its team combines a diverse set of skills and experience, rangingfrom entrepreneurship, product marketing, operational management, andtechnology strategy to developing client bases, deal making and capitalraising. VinaCapital Ventures is part of VinaCapital, one of Vietnam’s leadingasset management companies with over 3 billion USD under its management,addressed at https://ventures.vinacapital.com./.