Local brand Huda company said in a statement that an expansion of the long-termCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme has been scheduled from Aprilon the basis of positive achievements in the first two years in the fiveprovinces.
Huda said it decided to fund five additional projects in the central provinceswith the aim of significantly improving local water facilities, and theimplementation schedule will start later in April.
It also said these projects are expected to help alleviate local watershortages which often peak during summer months and the flood season,contributing to a healthier, more stable way of life.
This year will mark the third consecutive year of the fresh water programmethat the company has provided for local people in the five provinces.
Nathaniel Moxom, Managing Director of Carlsberg Vietnam, said: “Giving back tosociety has always been a part of our DNA. It’s what motivates us to run ourbusiness with a sustainability mindset imprinted in every of our decisions.”
“This programme is no exception. It will contribute to a better communitythrough a relentless drive towards sustainable development.”
Andrzej Bialasiewicz, VP Marketing Carlsberg Vietnam, added: “The project hashad proven social as well as economic impact and has become part of thelong-term journey Huda endeavours to carry on, come what may. In 2021, we areheaded for a new programme milestone, sharing the daily burden withsignificantly more local families.”
Over the past two years, the programme has included seven projects, providingreliable access to clean water for more than 20,000 people, and this despitethe global pandemic, periods of extreme flooding and hot weather.
Apart from the campaign to improve local water access, Huda’s community-centricefforts have included support in the form of 6,000 care packages for residentsof central Vietnam during 2020’s extreme flooding and more recently, 9,000 carepackages distributed directly to underprivileged families at Tet (Lunar NewYear)./.