The NanoDragon satellite will be entirely designed and manufactured by Vietnamese experts, said Tuan.
Last year, VNSC also successfully launched a micro satellite called Pico Dragon weighing 1kg.
After infrastructure system of VNSC in Hanoi’s Hoa Lac area iscompleted, a 50kg satellite called MicroDragon will also be developedand is expected to be launched in 2018, he added.
According to Tuan, by 2020, Vietnam will be capable of manufacturingand operating LOTUSat 2 – a earth observation satellite weighing 500kg.
Meanwhile, a project to build the Vietnam Aerospace Centre is underwaywith an investment of 54 billion JPY (505.76 million USD) in ODA fromthe Japanese Government.
Once completed by 2017, the centre will become one of the most modern of its kind in Southeast Asia, added Tuan.-VNA