The three-month manufacturing and processing expansion washigher than 7.12 percent growth of last year’s Q1, but lower than 14.3 percentand 11.52 percent of 2018’s and 2019’s same period, respectively, according tothe General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO).
Significant growth was reported in some other sectors,including metal production (30.9 percent), beverage production (16.9 percent),electric device manufacturing, and mining of metal ores (both 12.5 percent).
Sharp decline, by contrast, was seen in exploitation ofcrude oil and natural gas (13.7 percent), mining support services (17.5percent), wastewater drainage and treatment (5.6 percent) among others.
The GSO pointed out several key industrial products thatexperienced high growth from January-March, such as rolled steel (54 percent), phoneparts (47.9 percent), television sets of all type (30.9 percent), automobile (17.7percent), and formula milk (17.5 percent).
It also recorded 22.5 percent increase in the industry’s inventory,with the highest level seen in manufacture of rubber-made products and plastics(91.6 percent), manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (85.7percent), and metal production (68.1 percent)./.