Nearly 44,200new companies were set up in the first four months of this year. In addition,nearly 19,300 enterprises resumed operations, meaning an average of nearly16,000 firms were set up or restarted operations each month.
Also in thefirst four months, 51,500 enterprises temporarily suspended or stoppedoperating their businesses to await dissolution procedures. On average, nearly12,900 businesses withdrew from the market every month, up 23.3 percent fromthe same period in 2020.
DeputyDirector of the Central Institute for Economic Management(CIEM) Nguyen Hoa Cuong said: "Many enterprises stoppedoperating and dissolved to take a break to wait and see what the new markettrends will be.”
At the sametime, Cuong said the desire to join the market was still positive due tothe total registered capital.
Agreeing withthe view, economist Le Duy Binh said: “The Government's efforts to improvethe business environment in the previous period have brought confidence to thebusiness community in general."
Binh saidwithout the pandemic, the results would have been more apparent.
Binh said thatin April, there were nearly 14,900 newly established businesses, withregistered capital of 179.9 trillion VND (7.75 billion USD) up more than59 percent over the previous months while in the first four months, newenterprises’ registered capital reached nearly 628 trillion VND, up 41 percentover the same period last year./.