Hanoi (VNA) - Science and technology is one of the key solutions in implementingagriculture restructuring. In the new context, science and technology researchunits need to innovate, because the changing mechanisms and policies areassociated with the application of science and technology.
The statement wasmade by Le Quoc Doanh, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (MARD), at a conference held in Hanoi on August 1.
In order to meet thatnew requirement, Doanh said the Party Civil Affairs Committee of MARD had issued aresolution on continuing to promote science and technology innovationactivities in agriculture and rural development in the context of economicintegration and approaching the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The resolution aimsto create a new step in scientific and technological movements of theagricultural and rural development sector on the basis of renewing mechanismsand policies as well as orienting scientific research and technology transferactivities.
Since then, therewill be fundamental and comprehensive innovation of science and technologyactivities of the ministry in some fields such as management, organisationalstructure and personnel, investment and financial management, property andland.
According to NguyenThi Thanh Thuy, Director of MARD’s Department of Science, Technology andEnvironment, recently, a number of new or advanced technologies have beenapplied effectively in production process. Scientific research institutesand schools have created new plant and animal varieties.
These institutes andschools have collaborated with businesses, cooperatives and localities orthrough agricultural extension models to quickly transfer scientific andtechnological advances to production. However, besides the achieved results,scientific and technological activities still face difficulties, Thuy added.
MARD will renovatethe entire organisation from personnel, science and technology management,financial and asset management and budget management so that the investment forscientific and research topics are most effective.
In addition, theministry will also strengthen the autonomy and self-responsibility of scienceand technology units so that units can implement research and transfer theirresearch in coordination with enterprises, bringing science and technology intopractical production faster.
Regarding theapplication of science and technology, MARD also considers enterprises as acentre to form a close link between scientists.
Via businesses,technology will be applied more widely in production andtransferred more quickly to farmers and agricultural products can meet foodsafety criteria for the domestic market as well as for export market.-VNA