With nine provinces and cities,the region is endowed with a coastline of 1,400 km –making up 43.8percent of the nation’s total shoreline, and extensive fishing grounds,particularly Hoang Sa and Truong Sa.
Figures from 2012 showthe region is home to 46,201 fishing boats and over 200,000 fishermen.The area for aquatic cultivation was estimated at 33,778 ha, producingover 180,000 tonnes of produce worth 27 trillion VND (1.3 billion USD).
Attendees put forth a number of solutions to develop theindustry in a sustainable manner, such as restructuring the sector byincreasing added value, promoting the links between fishermen andbusinesses, perfecting the fisheries infrastructure system, andenhancing the quality of human resources.
The application ofnew cutting-edge technology and bettering policies in the field are twoof the measures needed to realise the target, participants said.
Many scientists have also proposed the Government enforces incentiveslinking high-class tourism and aquatic development with protecting thenational sovereignty over seas and islands.
The conference is part of the 2014 Seafood Festival which is underway in Phu Yen province (March 27 - April 2).-VNA