The workshop was held jointly by the Vietnam E-commerce and DigitalEconomy Agency at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Hanoi Department ofIndustry and Trade, and Amazon Global Selling.
Lai Viet Anh, deputy head of the agency,said Vietnam has the fastest cross-border e-commerce growth rate in the world.
Cross-border e-commerce continues to be an effective way for Vietnamesebusinesses to open their doors to global supply chains and minimise risks whentraditional supply chains are disrupted or stagnant due to the COVID-19pandemic, she added.
Last year, despite the impact of the pandemic, Vietnam’s business-to-consumer e-commerce sales grew by 18 percent to 11.8 billion USD, accountingfor 5.5 percent of the country’s total retail sales and service revenue. It iseyeing annual growth of 25 percent during 2021-2025, to hit 35 billion USD.
To help Vietnamese goods connect effectively with the global market, Anhstressed the need for enterprises to engage in and adapt to the trend, besides measures carried out by competent agencies.
Assessing cross-border e-commerce as an effective export channel, actingdirector of the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade Tran Thi Phuong Lan saidthat sales via e-commerce platforms are also one of the fastest ways forbusinesses, especially those of small and medium size, to build their ownbrands for bringing goods to the world.
Gijae Seong, Vietnam Country Manager at Amazon Global Selling, said his company hopesto contribute more to the development of cross-border e-commerce in Vietnam.
Joining hands with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in helpingVietnamese businesses develop cross-border e-commerce, Amazon Global Selling officiallylaunched a programme aimed at enhancing support for Vietnamese sellers on their journey to theworld by providing them with cross-border e-commerce knowledge, helping them setup and operate stores on Amazon, and improve their competitiveness./.