The two facilities, one located on the ground of thePolitical Officers College’s No.2 campus in Bac Ninh city and the other atRegiment 831 of the Bac Giang Military Command in Viet Yen district, arescheduled to begin receive patients from 5pm on May 19.
Each has 300 beds and close to 120 medical workers. Theircapacity can be raised to 500 beds if required.

In a meeting with the ministry’s steering committee forCOVID-19 prevention and control on May 16, Minister of National Defence PhanVan Giang said his ministry will deploy more officers and vehicles to supportpandemic-hit localities in fighting the fourth COVID-19 wave.
Meanwhile, the National Institute of Hygiene andEpidemiology on May 19 announced that B.1.617.2 – the Indian variant ofcoronavirus – has been found in 29 samples collected in Vietnam. They include10 in Hanoi, five in the Vietnam National Cancer Hospital’s Tan Trieu facility,nine in Bac Giang, two in Bac Ninh, two in Vinh Phuc and one in Hai Phong.
The UK’s B.1.17 variant, meanwhile, were detected in twosamples collected in Hai Duong./.