Information on the app is frequently updated, including health care for the oldduring the fight against COVID-19, common diseases in the elderly population,rational nutrition, and geriatric physical therapy.
Users can keep track on their health by providing the app with their healthmetrics such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and Body Mass Index (MBI).The app will then create an archive, analyse the index, and give warning to theusers.
Voice search is a preeminent property of this app, making it easier for theelderly with visual impairment to look for health information.
Besides, the app provides users with contacts of prestigious healthcarefacilities nearby.
According to Deputy Director of the General Office for Population and FamilyPlanning Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, the app, developed based on financial andtechnical support from the UNFPA, is important for the elderly, helping themreduce dependence on other people.
Currently, S-Health is on a trial run, and it will be complete on the occasionof the Day for the Elderly in June. The app is available on IOS App Store orAndroid CH Play./.