The regulation from theMinistry of Information and Communications (MIC), in a circular titled"The National technical specification requirement for mobile shortmessage service (SMS)," will be effective from January 15, 2015.
MICsaid the regulation will force mobile operators to enhance the networkquality, especially text messaging, one of the most important servicesbeside calls and third generation network (3G).
Meanwhile, thenew rule will help mobile phone subscribers to supervise the servicequality provided by operators. Mobile subscribers can report the qualityof services to MIC.
Mobile operators in Vietnam are said toprovide unsatisfactory service, especially during the holidays, whencall and SMS congestion occurs.
According to the GSM Association(GSMA), an international association of mobile operators devoted tosupporting the standardising, deployment and promotion of the GSM mobiletelephone system, the standard message-sent success rate should be atleast 90 percent.
Sending errors are caused by various factorssuch as mobile phones not being in a network area or being switched-off,or if they run out of battery.
Errors by mobile operators include sending bulk messages or hardware or software deficiencies.-VNA