- In 2022,despite many difficulties, Vietnam has managed to keep the macro-economicstability, with high economic growth, controlled inflation and ensured majorbalances, as well as political stability and protected security and nationalsovereignty, and enhanced external relations, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinhsaid at the 5th Vietnam Business Forum in Hanoi on December 17.

- Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s state visit toIndonesia will mark a new milestone in the unique and old relationship betweenthe two countries, Veeramalla Anjaiah, a senior researcher atthe Centre for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) inIndonesia, has said.
Talking with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'sresident reporters in Jakarta ahead of President Phuc’s visit to Indonesia fromDecember 21-23, the researcher said that in the fast changing world, bothIndonesia and Vietnam are looking for new approaches and ways to deepen theircooperation and friendship to ensure peace, stability and economic developmentin the region. Read full story
- 2022 is an important year for Vietnam and Cambodia with a lotof activities held to mark the 55th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties,Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth has said.

- Vietnam will further actively be part of efforts for theglobal biodiversity preservation and is willing to mobilise all resources foreffectively implement its national strategy on the matter, affirmed DeputyMinister of Environment and Natural Resources Vo Tuan Nhan.
Addressing a high-level session of the ongoing 15th meeting of theConference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) in Canada, the Deputy Minister called on member countries to take similaractions towards building a prosperous and healthy planet. Read full story
- Local managementofficials and representatives of the business communities of Vietnam andCambodia joined a Vietnam-Cambodia trade and investment promotion conference inPhnom Penh on December 17.
Opening the event, Phan Van Truong, who isin charge of the Vietnam Trade Office in Cambodia, said that after more thantwo years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese and Cambodian economies haverecovered and developed strongly.Read full story
- There is still a lot of untappedpotential for Vietnamese businesses in the Comprehensive and ProgressiveAgreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) three years after it went intoeffect, said policymakers and industry experts during an online conference inHanoi on December 1.
Ngo Chung Khanh, Deputy Director of the Multilateral TradePolicy Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), saidVietnamese businesses have been increasingly interested in taking advantage ofthe trade agreement, the largest of its kind signed by the Southeast Asiancountry in recent years. Read full story
- The Ho ChiMinh City People’s Council has passed a resolution on socio-economicdevelopment tasks in 2023, aiming to achieve economic growth of between 7.5%-8%next year.
The city also plans to ensure labour productivitygrowth of 7% and maintain the proportion of services in its economic structureat above 60%. Read full story
- Coach Park Hang-seohas announced his squad of 25 players for the AFF Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2022.
The coach from the Republic of Korea has put hisfaith in three new faces – Khuat Van Khagn, Hai Huy and Chau Ngoc Quang.The goalkeepers in the team are Dang Van Lam, Tran Nguyen Manh, and Nguyen Toan./. Read full story