Hanoi (VNA) – National Assembly Chairman Vuong DinhHue spoke highly of the United Nations organs’ active and effective support forthe Vietnamese legislature while meeting with UN Secretary-General AntónioGuterres in Hanoi on October 22.
NA Chairman Hue thanked the UN for providing Vietnam with 61.7million vaccine doses and medical equipment via COVAX Facility, which he said,has been instrumental in the country’s economic recovery and development afterputting the pandemic under control.
He said after the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development wasadopted, the Vietnamese NA is one of the first law-making bodies globally toconcretise and institutionalise all policy frameworks of sustainabledevelopment into the legal system, 5-year and 10-year development strategies.
Vietnam has been consistent with the policy of sustainable and inclusivedevelopment so that no one will be left behind, he said.
On the occasion, he suggested the UN continue promotingconnectivity between the Vietnamese NA and the UN’s activities, between the UN organsand the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and other relevant multilateralmechanisms.
Vietnam always supports global efforts, especially those made bythe UN, to uphold priority in climate change response, he said, adding that Vietnamproposes UN agencies join hands with the Vietnamese NA’s bodies to hold dialogues onenergy transition.
With its greater and more important role in cooperation innational energy transformation in a fair and sustainable manner, the UN isexpected to help countries like Vietnam save technology and secure financialresources to ensure balance in benefits and costs of the State, people andbusinesses in the energy transition process, Hue said.
According to him, with its own mechanisms, the UN could take thelead in shaping and promoting international cooperation frameworks tostrengthen collaboration in energy transition and digital transformation.
The Vietnamese legislature is focusing efforts on these twochallenges to issue appropriate institutional frameworks, take advantage ofopportunities and overcome difficulties to ensure development, he said.
Guterres, for his part, hailed Vietnam as one of the dynamic andactive members of the UN. Vietnam's dedication to the UN has contributed tobridging the gap between rich and poor countries.
Vietnam and the Vietnamese people could feel completely proud astheir voices are respected by all countries, the guest said.
He wished that Vietnam and the UN would continue standing sideby side together to create equality in economic development, prevent the gapbetween developed and developing countries from widening.
The UN always offers support to Vietnam, including realising itscommitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, energy transition, digitaltransformation and cyber security which are also issues of the UN’s concern, hesaid.
On global issues of shared concern, both sides highlighted aneed to maintain peace, stability, security, maritime and aviation safety and freedomin the East Sea while peacefully settling disputes in line with internationallaw, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The same day, the UN Secretary-General visited and held aworking session with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s VietnamMeteorological and Hydrological Administration.
He said in the next five years, the UN will strive to establisha disaster warning alliance system with countries. With its experience, Vietnamcould play an important role in this regard./.