New school model discussed in Quang Ninh

How to improve efficiency of the new school model for Vietnam (VNEN) in the Red River Delta and northern mountainous and midland provinces was the focus of a workshop held in northern Quang Ninh province on April 11.
How to improve efficiency of the new school model for Vietnam (VNEN)in the Red River Delta and northern mountainous and midlandprovinces was the focus of a workshop held in northern Quang Ninhprovince on April 11.

At the workshop, participants discussedways to increase efficiency in implementing the VNEN project as well asshared their experience in teaching and renovating the training methodin provinces applied the VNEN.

They said that it isnecessary to intensify popularisation, while calling for publicinvolvement in activities at schools, in which the coordination betweenfamily, school and society will play a core role.

Theparticipants emphasised the importance of managers and teachers topromote the educational reform in the country, while proposing theMinistry of Education and Training organise more refresher courses forteachers in the coming time.

Speaking at the event, DeputyMinister of Education and Training Nguyen Vinh Hien praised thelocalities’ efforts and positive results reaped in performing the model.

Inorder to overcome difficulties in applying the model, provincialeducation and training departments should take the initiative to applynew teaching and learning methods, Hien stressed.

The VNEN project focuses on reforming teaching method and assessmentto student in line with new standards. With the new model, studentsplay a central role in the class while teachers serve as theirfacilitators and companions, which is different from the traditionalpedagogic method.

The model was applied at1,447 schools across the country in 2012. In the 2013-2014 academicyear, the model has been performed at more 600 primary schools in thecountry.-VNA

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